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引用本文格式: Zhang Jian-Hua,Wang Min,Chen Chang,Cao Qian,Xu Yin. First-principles study of S vacancy and nonmetallic doped monolayer Bi2S2Se [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2025, 42(1): 016002 (in Chinese) 张建华,王敏,陈畅,曹倩,徐银. S空位及非金属掺杂单层Bi2S2Se的第一性原理研究 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2025, 42(1): 016002]
First-principles study of S vacancy and nonmetallic doped monolayer Bi2S2Se
摘要点击 371  全文点击 407  投稿时间:2023-03-21  修订日期:2023-04-11
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DOI编号   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.016002
中文关键词   关键词:Bi2S2Se  掺杂  电子结构  光学性质  第一性原理
英文关键词   Keywords: Bi2S2Se  doping  electronic structure  optical properties  first-principles
基金项目   湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划青年人才项目(Q20211006)
张建华* 湖北大学 zjh199908@163.com 
王敏 湖北大学  
陈畅 湖北大学  
曹倩 湖北大学  
徐银 湖北大学  
    Bi2S2Se是一种新兴的具有优异光电性能的材料,因此受到了广泛的关注.本研究采用第一性原理方法和开源程序,研究了本征单层Bi2S2Se以及掺杂非金属元素X(X=P, Cl, Br和I)和S空位的体系的电子结构和光学特性.计算结果表明,改性后均出现了晶格缺陷.含S空位和P、Cl、Br掺杂体系的带隙减少,而I掺杂体系的带隙增加.同时,含S空位和Cl、Br、I掺杂体系的费米能级穿过导带底,而P掺杂体系的费米能级穿过价带顶.所有改性体系在费米能级附近都出现了缺陷能级或杂质能级,表现出较高的可见光吸收能力和散射能力,改性体系的对可见光的吸收能力和散射能力有所增加.
    Bi2S2Se is a new material with excellent optoelectronic properties that has attracted widespread attention. In this study, we used first-principles calculations and an open-source software to investigate the electronic structures and optical properties of intrinsic monolayer Bi2S2Se and systems doped with non-metallic element X (X=P, Cl, Br, and I) or with S vacancies. Our results show that lattice defects appear after modification; the bandgaps of S vacancies and P-, Cl-, and Br-doped systems decrease, while the bandgaps of I-doped systems increases. Additionally, the Fermi levels of S vacancies and Cl-, Br-, and I-doped systems cross the conduction band minimum, while the Fermi level of P-doped systems crosses the valence band maximum. All modified systems exhibit defect or impurity levels near the Fermi level, indicating high visible light absorption and scattering capabilities. The absorption and scattering capabilities of modified systems are increased.

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