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引用本文格式: Xiong Wei,Ren Hao. A Study of Zirconia doping with Rare-earth Elements Er, Yb and Y by First-principles Calculations [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2025, 42(1): 016005 (in Chinese) 熊威,任浩. 稀土元素Er、Yb和Y掺杂ZrO2的第一性原理研究 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2025, 42(1): 016005]
A Study of Zirconia doping with Rare-earth Elements Er, Yb and Y by First-principles Calculations
摘要点击 245  全文点击 380  投稿时间:2023-04-13  修订日期:2023-05-07
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DOI编号   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.016005
中文关键词   氧化锆  第一性原理  电子结构  光学性质
英文关键词   zirconia  first-principles  electronic structure  optical property
基金项目   重庆交通大学科研启动经费项目(项目编号:F1220024)
熊威 重庆交通大学航空学院 113392930@qq.com 
任浩* 重庆交通大学航空学院 renhao19990408@163.com 
    Zirconia has the merits of low phonon energy, high dielectric constant and wide band gap. Besides this, cubic zirconia (cZrO2) also have excellent transparency. These properties make it a suitable basis for up-conversion luminescent materials. In this work, the electronic structures and optical properties of cZrO2 doping with Rare-earth Elements Er, Yb and Y were calculated. The computation employed the first principle pseudo potential method of plane wave based on the density functional theory. The results show that cZrO2 changes from indirect band gap material into direct type after doping Y element. After Er and Yb are added, Fermi level of cubic zirconia moves into valence band, and its band gap reduces. Co-doping of Y and Er increases the absorption ability of cZrO2 on near infrared bands. And the absorption of near infrared light are further enhanced with adding Yb element.

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