引用本文格式: Chen Yu-Feng,Chen Hui,Ren Li-Ying,Zhao Ning,Han Jin-Ling,Li Yu-Tong. Density functional theory study on Raman and ultraviolet spectra of dacarbazine molecule [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2025, 42(1): 011008 (in Chinese) 陈玉锋,陈慧,任黎英,赵宁,韩金玲,李雨桐. 达卡巴嗪分子拉曼光谱和紫外吸收光谱的理论研究 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2025, 42(1): 011008] |
达卡巴嗪分子拉曼光谱和紫外吸收光谱的理论研究 |
Density functional theory study on Raman and ultraviolet spectra of dacarbazine molecule |
摘要点击 247 全文点击 392 投稿时间:2023-05-10 修订日期:2023-05-29 |
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10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.011008 |
密度泛函理论 达卡巴嗪 拉曼光谱 紫外光谱 |
Density functional theory (DFT) Dacarbazine Raman spectrum Ultraviolet spectrum |
采用密度泛函理论(Density Functionol Theory,DFT),在B3LYP/6-31+g(d,p)基组水平上,对达卡巴嗪进行了结构优化,通过频率计算,获得达卡巴嗪的拉曼光谱,与实验获得的拉曼光谱进行对比,对400~2000cm-1频率范围内的拉曼光谱特征峰进行了指认归属。计算分析前线分子轨道和表面静电势,预测了达卡巴嗪分子化学反应发生的位点。采用含时密度泛函理论(Time Dependent density functional theory,TDDFT)计算了该分子的紫外吸收光谱和激发态,获得电荷转移光谱,分析了达卡巴嗪分子间的电荷转移关系。 |
The structure of Dacarbazine was optimized by density functional theory ( DFT ) at the B3LYP / 6-31 + g ( d, p ) level. The Raman spectrum of Dacarbazine were obtained by frequency calculation and compared with the experimental Raman spectrum. The Raman characteristic peaks in the frequency range of 400 ~ 2000cm-1 were assigned. In addition,the frontier orbital and surface electrostatic potential of Dacarbazine was analyzed,and the possible sites of chemical reaction were predicted. The time dependent density functional theory(TDDFT) was used to calculate the ultraviolet absorption spectrum and the excited states of the molecule. At the same time,the charge transfer spectrum was obtained,and the charge transfer reletionship of Dacarbazine was analyzed. |