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引用本文格式: Ding Can,Tian Hao-Bo,Chen Chen. Molecular simulation of thermal aging of plasma-modified polyimide [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2025, 42(1): 013001 (in Chinese) 丁璨,田浩博,陈琛. 等离子体改性聚酰亚胺热老化的分子模拟 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2025, 42(1): 013001]
Molecular simulation of thermal aging of plasma-modified polyimide
摘要点击 143  全文点击 61  投稿时间:2023-06-07  修订日期:2023-06-23
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DOI编号   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.013001
中文关键词   反应分子动力学  聚酰亚胺  热老化
英文关键词   reactive molecular dynamics  polyimide  thermal aging
丁璨 三峡大学 dingcan@ctgu.edu.cn 
田浩博* 三峡大学 1119568931@qq.com 
陈琛 三峡大学  
    通过反应分子动力学方法模拟聚酰亚胺的热老化过程,以模拟仿真等离子体改性后的聚酰亚胺材料在热裂解后的性能变化情况. 通过研究老化过程中气体产生的情况,研究发现随着温度升高,分子链之间的相互作用力减弱,导致材料的致密性下降,弹性模量降低,材料抵抗外应力的能力减弱. 同时,由于温度升高使得聚酰亚胺材料相对介电常数上升,材料绝缘性能下降,击穿强度也被削弱.
    The thermal aging process of polyimide is simulated by reactive molecular dynamics method to simulate the property changes of plasma-modified polyimide materials after thermal cracking. By studying the generation of gas during aging, it was found that as the temperature increases, the interaction forces between molecular chains weaken, resulting in a decrease in the denseness of the material, a decrease in the modulus of elasticity, and a decrease in the ability of the material to resist external stress. At the same time, the relative dielectric constant of the polyimide material increases due to the increase of temperature, and the insulation property of the material decreases and the breakdown strength is also weakened.

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