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引用本文格式: Xue Ling,Li Cheng,Yuan Zi-Ling ,Yao Guan-Xin,Qin Zheng-Bo,Zheng Xian-Feng,Yang Xin-Yan,Cui Zhi-Feng. Internal standard CF-LIBS for quantitative analysis of multiple metal elements in mixed aqueous solutions [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2023, 40(2): 023001 (in Chinese) 薛玲,李乘,袁紫灵,姚关心,秦正波,郑贤锋,杨新艳,崔执凤. 基于内标CF-LIBS的混合水溶液中多金属元素的定量分析 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2023, 40(2): 023001]
Internal standard CF-LIBS for quantitative analysis of multiple metal elements in mixed aqueous solutions
摘要点击 592  全文点击 310  投稿时间:2021-10-18  修订日期:2021-11-14
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DOI编号   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2023.023001
中文关键词   水溶液  微量金属元素  定量分析  CF-LIBS  检测精确度
英文关键词   Aqueous solution  Trace metal element  Quantitative analysis  Calibration-free LIBS  Measurement accuracy
基金项目   国家自然科学基金,省市自然科学基金
薛玲* 安徽师范大学 750482759@qq.com 
李乘 安徽师范大学  
袁紫灵 安徽师范大学  
姚关心 安徽师范大学  
秦正波 安徽师范大学  
郑贤锋 安徽师范大学  
杨新艳 安徽师范大学  
    A simpler internal standard method of Calibration-free laser induced breakdown spectroscopy was presented and applied to the quantitative analysis of the concentrations of metal elements Cr, Mn, Pb, Cd, Ca, Al, and Co in prepared mixed aqueous solutions. Our experimental results confirmed the satisfactions with the local thermal equilibrium and optical thin conditions of the laser induced plasma under the optimized experimental parameters. The analysis results showed that the accuracy of LIBS detection is significantly improved compared to the normalized limiting CF-LIBS methods of liquid to solid conversion samples, with a relative error of less than 1% compared to the preparation value. We concluded that this internal standard CF-LIBS method can be applied to the simultaneous and accurate determination of multiple trace metal elements in liquid phase matrices.

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