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引用本文格式: Zhang Wei,Wang Xing-Yu,Fu Zhi-Jian,Liu Lei,Li Zhi-Guo. Theoretical study on the equation of state, thermal transport properties and radiative opacity of warm dense helium [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2023, 40(5): 053001 (in Chinese) 张伟,王兴宇,付志坚,刘蕾,李治国. 温稠密氦的状态方程、热输运性质和辐射不透明度的理论研究 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2023, 40(5): 053001]
Theoretical study on the equation of state, thermal transport properties and radiative opacity of warm dense helium
摘要点击 540  全文点击 406  投稿时间:2022-06-20  修订日期:2022-06-29
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DOI编号   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2023.053001
中文关键词   分子动力学,温稠密物质,状态方程,热导率
英文关键词   Molecular dynamics  Warm dense matter  Equation of state  Thermal conductivity
基金项目   国家自然科学基金(11804284;11804037)
张伟* 西南科技大学 数理学院 zwphys@gmail.com 
王兴宇 西南科技大学 数理学院  
付志坚 重庆文理学院 电子信息与电气工程学院  
刘蕾 西南科技大学 数理学院  
李治国 中国工程物理研究院 流体物理研究所  
    温稠密状态下氦元素广泛存在于核聚变内爆过程和宇宙星体中,其热力学性质和辐射输运参数等物质特性在聚变实验设计和星体结构演化研究中起着至关重要的作用。本文采用充分考虑温稠密物质中电子离子碰撞物理效应的量子郎之万分子动力学方法,通过模拟宽广温度密度区域氦离子和电子的响应特性,构建了温度在10-60 kK, 密度为1-24 g/cm3范围内温稠密氦的状态方程数据库和电子热导率数据库,并计算了该温度密度下温稠密氦的辐射不透明度。本文的计算结果可以为聚变物理研究和很多基本天体物理问题建模提供必要的输入参数。
    Helium exists widely in the implosion process of nuclear fusion and cosmic stars in the warm dense state. Its thermodynamic properties and radiative transport parameters play an important role in the design of fusion experiments and the study of star structure evolution. In this paper, the quantum Langevin molecular dynamics method, which fully considers the physical effects of electron ion collisions in warm dense matter, is used to simulate the response characteristics of helium ions and electrons in a wide ρ-T region. The state of equation database and electronic thermal conductivity database of warm dense helium in the temperature range of 10-60 KK and density range of 1-24 g/cm3 are constructed, and the radiative opacity of warm and dense helium at this temperature density is calculated. The results of this paper can provide necessary input parameters for fusion physics research and modeling of many basic astrophysical problems.

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