引用本文格式: Tu Ning-Yuan,Chen Lei,Zhao Wen-Chao,Shan Xu,Wang En-Liang,Chen Xiang-Jun. Isomerization Dynamics in Dissociative Ionization of Carbon Tetrafluoride [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2024, 41(4): 041001 (in Chinese) 涂宁远,陈磊,赵文超,单旭,王恩亮,陈向军. 四氟化碳分子电离解离过程中的异构化动力学 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2024, 41(4): 041001] |
四氟化碳分子电离解离过程中的异构化动力学 |
Isomerization Dynamics in Dissociative Ionization of Carbon Tetrafluoride |
摘要点击 937 全文点击 273 投稿时间:2022-10-29 修订日期:2022-11-09 |
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10.19855/j.1000-0364.2024.041001 |
四氟化碳、异构化、分子解离动力学 |
carbon tetrafluoride, isomerization, molecular fragmentation dynamics |
国家自然科学基金 |
采用离子动量成像谱仪研究了能量为1.0 keV的电子束碰撞条件下CF4分子的解离动力学. 实验上,对解离离子的三维动量进行了成像测量,通过离子飞行时间关联谱识别了CF42+异构化生成F2+分子的两个通道:F2+ + CF2+与CF+ + F2+ + F,得到了两个通道的离子动能及动能释放分布. 对于其中的三体解离通道,我们进一步采用Dalitz图与Newton图等三体动力学分析方法对解离碎片的动量关联进行了分析. 该通道以两个带电离子的背对背出射为主,中性的F原子作为旁观者只得到极小的反冲动量. |
The dissociation dynamics of CF4 molecules by electron collisions with impact energy of 1.0 keV was studied by using an ion momentum imaging spectrometer. In the experiment, the three-dimensional momentum vectors of the fragment ions were measured and two isomerization channels for F2+ formation from CF42+, i.e. F2+ + CF2+ and CF+ + F2+ + F, were identified by ion time-of-flight correlation map. The kinetic energy and kinetic energy release distributions of the two channels were obtained. For the three-body dissociation channel, we analyzed the momentum correlation of the dissociated fragments using the three-body dynamics analysis schemes such as the Dalitz diagram and Newton diagram. The channel is dominated by the back-to-back emission of two charged ions, and the neutral F atom acts as a spectator which only gets a very small recoil momentum. |