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引用本文格式: Yang Chen,Yu Bo-Shu,Jiao Mu-Xin,Yang Xue-Nan,Hu Cui-E,Zeng Zhao-Yi. The thermal conductivity of iron under high pressure and high temperature from first-principles [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2024, 41(5): 054002 (in Chinese) 杨陈,余柏树,焦亩鑫,杨学楠,胡翠娥,曾召益. 高温高压下铁热导率的第一性原理研究 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2024, 41(5): 054002]
The thermal conductivity of iron under high pressure and high temperature from first-principles
摘要点击 598  全文点击 169  投稿时间:2023-03-18  修订日期:2023-03-27
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DOI编号   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2024.054002
中文关键词   热导率  地球内核  高温高压  第一性原理
英文关键词   thermal conductivity  Earth’s core  high pressure  first-principles
基金项目   省市自然科学基金
杨陈* 重庆师范大学 yc19122542693@163.com 
余柏树 重庆师范大学  
焦亩鑫 重庆师范大学  
杨学楠 重庆师范大学  
胡翠娥 重庆师范大学  
曾召益 重庆师范大学  
    摘要:铁在高压高温下的热导率是研究地球动力学和热演化的关键参数。在以往的研究中,铁的热导率主要归结于电子热导率,我们发现铁在高压下晶格振动对热导率的贡献不可忽略。本文利用晶格动力学和玻尔兹曼输运理论计算了铁的声子色散、Hugoniot状态方程和热导率。预测了铁在核幔边界附近温度约为3500 K,在地球内核边界条件约为6500 K。考虑晶格振动的热导率在地球核幔边界附近为112 W/mK,在内核边界条件约为200 W/mK。
    ABSTRACT: Thermal conductivities of iron at high pressure and temperature are key parameters to constrain the dynamics and thermal evolution of the Earth’s core. In previous investigations, the thermal conductivity is mainly attributed to the electronic conductivity, we found that the contribution of lattice vibration to thermal conductivity under high pressure cannot be ignored. The phonon dispersion, Hugoniot equation of state and thermal transport properties of iron are calculated with the lattice dynamics and Boltzmann transport theory in this work. The simulation temperature for iron is 3500 K near the core-mantle boundary and 6500 K at Earth’s inner core conditions. The thermal conductivities considering lattice vibration are respectively 112 W/mK near the core-mantle boundary and 200 W/mK at Earth’s inner core conditions.

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