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引用本文格式: Wu Shao-Bai,Zhou Liang-Liang,Liu Xun,Huang Hai-Jun. Sound Velocities and Densities of Liquid Fe-8.6 wt% Si under high pressure and temperature: Implications for a Si-rich Core [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2024, 41(6): 064001 (in Chinese) [吴少白,周亮亮,刘勋,黄海军. 高温高压下液态Fe-8.6 wt% Si的声速和密度:富Si地核的证明 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2024, 41(6): 064001]
高温高压下液态Fe-8.6 wt% Si的声速和密度:富Si地核的证明
Sound Velocities and Densities of Liquid Fe-8.6 wt% Si under high pressure and temperature: Implications for a Si-rich Core
摘要点击 100  全文点击 36  投稿时间:2023-04-10  修订日期:2023-04-20
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中文关键词   Fe-Si  声速  高温高压,地核
英文关键词   Fe-Si  Sound velocity  High temperature and pressure, Earth’s core
基金项目   国家自然科学基金(42274124)
吴少白 武汉理工大学,理学院 1370584556@qq.com 
周亮亮 武汉理工大学,理学院  
刘勋 武汉理工大学,理学院  
黄海军* 武汉理工大学,理学院 hjhuang@whut.edu.cn 
    在前人的研究基础上,我们建立了新的热力学模型来计算高温高压下液态Fe和Fe-8.6 wt% Si (简称Fe-8.6Si)的状态方程(EOS)和纵波声速(VP)。计算结果与静高压和动高压实验测量的EOS和VP一致。在外地核环境下,液态Fe-8.6 Si的EOS和VP同时与外地核的地震波数据一致。如果Si是外地核中唯一的轻元素,其含量不超过7.6~8.6 wt%。 关键词:Fe-Si;声速;高温高压,地核
    Based on previous studies, we established a thermodynamic model to calculate the equation of state (EOS) and longitudinal sound velocity (VP) for liquid Fe and Fe-8.6Si under high temperature and pressure. The calculated EOSs and VP are consistent with measurements by static and dynamic compressions. Under the outer core conditions, EOS and VP of liquid Fe-8.6Si simultaneously match the seismic data of the Earth’s outer core. If Si is the only light element, its maximum concentration in the outer core is estimated to be 7.6~8.6 wt%.

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