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引用本文格式: Li Ping,Yin Wei,Pan Xue-Cong,Pang Guo-Wang,Ma Ya-Bin,Yang Ya-Hong,Yang Fei-Yu,Zhang Pan,Qin Yan-Jun. Theoretical Study on the Effect of Li Doping on the Photoelectric Properties of 4H-SiC [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2025, 42(2): 026004 (in Chinese) 李萍,尹伟,潘学聪,庞国旺,马亚斌,杨亚宏,杨菲宇,张盼,秦彦军. Li掺杂对4H-SiC光电性质影响的理论研究 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2025, 42(2): 026004]
Theoretical Study on the Effect of Li Doping on the Photoelectric Properties of 4H-SiC
摘要点击 165  全文点击 199  投稿时间:2023-05-23  修订日期:2023-07-18
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DOI编号   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.026004
中文关键词   Li掺杂,4H-SiC,电子结构,光学性质,第一性原理
英文关键词   Li doping, 4H-SiC, electronic structure, optical properties, first principles
基金项目   省市自然科学基金
李萍 新疆理工学院理学院 1659681147@qq.com 
尹伟 新疆理工学院机电工程学院  
潘学聪 新疆理工学院理学院  
庞国旺 新疆理工学院理学院  
马亚斌 新疆理工学院理学院  
杨亚宏 新疆理工学院理学院  
杨菲宇 新疆理工学院理学院  
张盼 新疆理工学院理学院  
秦彦军* 新疆理工学院理学院 565316245@qq.com 
    The electronic structure and optical properties of Li doped 4H-SiC system are calculated by the first principle method based on density functional theory. The results show that the 4H-SiC before and after doping are indirect bandgap semiconductors, and n-type semiconductors are formed after Li element interstitial doping. Impurity levels appear in the bandgap of Li element substitution doping system, reducing the energy required for electronic transitions. The analysis of the charge differential density plot shows that the loss of electrons in Li atoms leads to a decrease in the covalence of Li-C bonds and Li-Si bonds, mainly ionic. In the visible light region, compared to the 4H-SiC system, the absorption peak of the doped system has been improved. Among them, the Li interstitial doped system has the smallest absorption band edge and the highest absorption peak. The doped 4H-SiC system can absorb infrared, visible, and ultraviolet lights, indicating that Li doping can effectively expand the response range of 4H-SiC to light.

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