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引用本文格式: Liu Yu,Wang Xing,Xu Zhong-Feng,Zhou Xian-Ming,Cheng Rui,Zhang Xiao-An,Liang Chang-Hui. Study on Angular Distribution of L characteristic X-ray emission from In target by proton impact [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2025, 42(2): 023001 (in Chinese) 柳钰,王兴,徐忠锋,周贤明,程锐,张小安,梁昌慧. 质子入射In靶激发L系特征X射线的角分布研究 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2025, 42(2): 023001]
Study on Angular Distribution of L characteristic X-ray emission from In target by proton impact
摘要点击 132  全文点击 123  投稿时间:2023-06-07  修订日期:2023-06-20
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DOI编号   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.023001
中文关键词   碰撞电离  特征X射线  角分布  各向异性
英文关键词   Impact ionization  Characteristic X-ray  Angular distribution  Anisotropy
基金项目   国家自然科学基金
柳钰* 咸阳师范学院 359685236@qq.com 
王兴 西安交通大学  
徐忠锋 西安交通大学  
周贤明 咸阳师范学院  
程锐 中国科学院近代物理研究所  
张小安 咸阳师范学院  
梁昌慧 咸阳师范学院  
    本论文实验测量并分析了发射角以10°为间隔,125°-155°范围内,入射能量为250 keV的质子束激发In靶产生的特征L系X射线谱,根据实验测得能谱结果,综合考虑探测器的探测效率后,计算了不同探测角度下特征X射线的相对强度比Lι/Lγ1;由相对强度比Lι/Lγ1与二阶勒让德函数P2(cosθ)之间的函数关系,发现特征X射线Lι在被测能量下呈各向异性发射,推得Lι特征X射线的各向异性参数β为-0.179±0.011,进而得到In靶L3亚壳层的定向度A20为-0.422±0.025,实验结果与理论预测一致。根据PWBA(Plane Wave Born Approximation)模型和ECPSSR(Energy-Loss Coulomb-Repulsion Perturbed-Stationary-State Relativistic)模型,计算了250 keV质子入射下,In靶L亚壳层电离截面σ及Coster-Kronig跃迁矫正因子κ,在根据各向异性参数计算L3亚壳层定向度的过程中考虑了Coster-Kronig跃迁的作用。分析认为本实验碰撞速度下,通过电子转移方式产生空穴的截面比直接电离小的多,所以没有对L3亚壳层定向度进行电子转移因素的修正。
    The L X-ray characteristic spectra of In induced by proton beams with energy of 250 keV and emission angles from 125° to 155° with an interval of 10° are measured. According to the measured experimentally energy spectrum results, after comprehensively considering the detection efficiency of the detector, the relative intensity ratios Ll/Lγ1 of characteristic X-rays at different detection angles are calculated. The angular dependence of differential intensity ratio Ll/Lγ1 is studied as a function of the second-order Legendre function P2(cosθ). Our result demonstrates that the characteristic X-ray Lι is anisotropic emission at the measured energy, and the anisotropic parameter β of characteristic X ray Lι is derived to be -0.179±0.011, furthermore, the value of the alignment degree A20 for L3 sub-shell is determined to be -0.422±0.025. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical predictions. According to PWBA ( Plane Wave Born Approximation ) model and ECPSSR ( Energy-Loss Coulomb-Repulsion Perturbed-Stationary-State Relativistic ) model, In target L sub-shell ionization cross sections σ and Coster-Kronig transition correction factor κ are calculated under the 250 keV proton incidence. The effect of Coster-Kronig transition is considered in the calculation of L3 sub-shell’s anisotropic parameters. The analysis shows that the cross section of vacancies generated by electron transfer is much smaller than that of direct ionization at the collision velocity in this experiment, so the electron transfer factor is not modified for the orientation of L3 sub-shell.

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