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引用本文格式: Luo Cai-Qing,Ren Yun-Liang,Ibrahim Sitiwaldi. Pair Production under Inhomogeneous Strong Laser [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys., 2025, 42(2): 025001 (in Chinese) 落彩青,任云亮,吾拉依木江·司提瓦力地. 非均匀强激光场下正负电子对的产生 [J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2025, 42(2): 025001]
Pair Production under Inhomogeneous Strong Laser
摘要点击 135  全文点击 176  投稿时间:2023-06-16  修订日期:2023-06-30
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DOI编号   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.025001
中文关键词   强激光  施温格效应  量子场论模拟方法  非均匀电场  空间分布
英文关键词   Strong laser  Schwinger effect  Quantum field theoretical simulations  Inhomogeneous electric field  Spatial spectrum
基金项目   国家自然科学基金
落彩青 新疆大学 luocq2021@stu.xju.edu.cn 
任云亮 新疆大学  
吾拉依木江·司提瓦力地* 新疆大学 ibrahim010@sina.com 
    With the fast development of strong field technology, it is possible to hold an experiment in the near future to test the Schwinger effect. Therefore, theoretical studies on the Schwinger effect are essential to support the upcoming experiment. In this paper, we use quantum field theory simulation method to study the spatial feature of the Schwinger effect in a non-uniform electric field. It is found that the spatial width of the electric field significantly affects the production rate, momentum spectrum and spatial spectrum of electron-positron pairs while the energy remains constant. The momentum and spatial spectra of electron-positron pairs show that when the spatial width of the electric field increases and the electric field intensity is less than the Schwinger threshold, the produced electron-positron pairs cannot be separated in time, which suppress the generation of the electron-positron pairs. At last, the continuity equation is used to calculate the location-based production rate, which shows that the production position distribution of electron-positron pairs corresponds to the electric field intensity distribution, and the final distribution position of electron and positron is separated by one Compton wavelength. These results show the spatial characteristics of Schwinger effect, and explain the suppression mechanism of Schwinger effect under a weak electric field.

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