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Cite this article as: Tong Xiao-Gang,Ma Wei-Hong,Xue Yu-Feng,Li Wei. Adsorption and dissociation properties of hydrogen molecules on Na2Al6 clusters [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys.(原子与分子物理学报), 2024, 41: 062001 (in Chinese)
Adsorption and dissociation properties of hydrogen molecules on Na2Al6 clusters
Hits 385  Download times 203  Received:February 05, 2023  Revised:March 03, 2023
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DOI   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2024.062001
Key Words   Density functional theory  Na2Al6 cluster  Hydrogen storage property  Dissociation energy barrier
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Tong Xiao-Gang* Longnan Teachers' College tongxgxx@163.com 
Ma Wei-Hong 陇南师范高等专科学校  
Xue Yu-Feng 陇南师范高等专科学校  
Li Wei 陇南师范高等专科学校  
    The physical and chemical adsorptions of hydrogen are the basic forms for hydrogen storage, and the dissociation energy barrier of H2 molecules is an important factor determining the kinetic performance of reversible hydrogen storage. Nanoclusters are important scale for studying the hydrogen-storage properties of materials. Studying interaction properties between hydrogen and Na-Al clusters can understand the hydrogen storage properties of Na-Al hydrides at nano scale. In this paper, the adsorption and dissociation properties of H2 molecules on the small alloy cluster Na2Al6 are studied by density functional theory. The results show that the physical adsorption of H2 molecule on Na2Al6 cluster is very weak, but it can be dissociated easily. The dissociation energy barrier of hydrogen molecule is very low, and the dissociation can occur at moderate temperature. The nanostructured Na2Al6 clusters have good chemical hydrogen- storage properties.

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