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Cite this article as: Li Li-Hua,Wei Ran,Zhang Xin ,Li Yun-Zhi,Wang Ai-Xiang,Xia Qi-Ying. Theoretical study on molecular structures and spectral properties of ginkgolides [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys.(原子与分子物理学报), 2024, 41: 061006 (in Chinese)
Theoretical study on molecular structures and spectral properties of ginkgolides
Hits 462  Download times 202  Received:February 18, 2023  Revised:March 08, 2023
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DOI   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2024.061006
Key Words   Ginkgolide  Molecular structure  Density functional theory  Spectra properties
Author NameAffiliation
Li Li-Hua 临沂大学 
Wei Ran 临沂大学 
Zhang Xin 临沂大学 
Li Yun-Zhi* 临沂大学 
Wang Ai-Xiang 临沂大学 
Xia Qi-Ying 临沂大学 
    In this work, four ginkgolide molecules (ginkgolides A, B, C and J) were selected as the research objects, and their structures and spectral properties were investigated by density functional theory method. Our results indicated that the molecular skeleton of ginkgolides has a relatively stable structures by changing the substituents on ginkgolides. Based on the optimized structures, we calculated the Infrared (IR), Raman, vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectral properties of four ginkgolide molecules. We found that the IR spectra of the four ginkgolide molecules have obvious difference at 1100 cm-1, and this peak is mainly the stretching vibration mode of the C-O-C bond in ginkgolides. For the Raman spectra, the stretching vibration of the hydroxyl group is located at 3200 cm-1, where ginkgolides A, B and C split into two peaks, while ginkgolide J displays a somewhat wide vibrational peak. For the VCD spectra, we found that four ginkgolide molecules are distinctly different around 3800 cm-1.

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