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Cite this article as: Han Shu-Kang,Qi Ying-Xia,Yang Han-Ning,Xu Xiao-Lei,Tao Jie,Wang Fei,Liu Ye-Feng. Measurement of Vapor Liquid Equilibrium for ternary refrigerant mixture R290+R600a+N2 [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys.(原子与分子物理学报), 2024, 41: 066006 (in Chinese)
Measurement of Vapor Liquid Equilibrium for ternary refrigerant mixture R290+R600a+N2
Hits 149  Download times 30  Received:March 22, 2023  Revised:April 10, 2023
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DOI   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2024.066006
Key Words   mixed refrigerants  vapor liquid equilibria  thermodynamic properties  instrument calibration
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Han Shu-Kang University of Shanghai for Science & Technology shukang_han@163.com 
Qi Ying-Xia* University of Shanghai for Science & Technology qipeggy@126.com 
Yang Han-Ning University of Shanghai for Science & Technology  
Xu Xiao-Lei University of Shanghai for Science & Technology  
Tao Jie University of Shanghai for Science & Technology  
Wang Fei Haier Home Air Conditioner Products Headquarters Technical Development Department  
Liu Ye-Feng University of Shanghai for Science & Technology  
    In hydrogen liquefaction process, precooling cycle is an important link, among which the unit energy consumption of MR is relatively low, so it is particularly important to optimize the performance of MR. In this paper, the experimental system of VLE was built by the method of single-phase liquid phase cycle, and the properties of VLE in the ternary system R290+R600a+N2 were studied. The temperature range of 273.15 K~323.15 K was used to study the ternary mixing medium R290+R600a+N2, and 18 groups of experimental data were obtained. At the same time, Peng-Pobinson-Stryjek-Vera (PRSV) equation of state combined with van der Waals(vdW) mixing rule was used to calculate the VLE properties of the ternary system. By comparing the experimental data with the calculated results, the average absolute relative deviation AARDp of the system pressure is 0.85%, and the average absolute deviation AADy1, AADy2 and AADy3 of the system components R290, R600a and N2 are 0.0064, 0.0027 and 0.0063, respectively.

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