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Cite this article as: Sun Wu,Ye Fu-Qiu,Zhang Guang-Cheng. Regulation and dynamics of non-Hermitian PT symmetric multi-channel optical waveguide system [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys.(原子与分子物理学报), 2025, 42: 015001 (in Chinese)
Regulation and dynamics of non-Hermitian PT symmetric multi-channel optical waveguide system
Hits 525  Download times 438  Received:April 11, 2023  Revised:April 24, 2023
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DOI   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.015001
Key Words   PT symmetry,non-hermite,three-channel waveguide
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Sun Wu jishou university 2418784433@qq.com 
Ye Fu-Qiu* College of Physics and Mechanical Engineering 912012237@qq.com 
Zhang Guang-Cheng College of Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Jishou University  
    The regulation of PT symmetry in the PT (Parity-Time) symmetric optical waveguide system is mainly realized by the periodic change of complex refractive index materials. In this paper, we give a configuration of manipulating the PT symmetry for the neutral waveguide with additional periodic modulation in the coupled dual-channel waveguide system. After the system is converted into an equivalent unmodulated system with renormalization parameters by high-frequency approximation, it is found that the PT symmetry of the system can be regulated by introducing an additional single-frequency periodic modulation optical waveguide, and the energy spectrum characteristics of the system with periodic modulation of non-Hermitian three-channel waveguide are discussed, Finally, the dynamic evolution of light in non-Hermitian three-channel optical waveguide is given by analytical and numerical methods.

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