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Cite this article as: Liu Hui-Bin,Liu Pin-Yan,Chen Si-Yu,Li Xin-Yue,Zhang Zhen,Zhang Meng. Computational investigation of structures and properties of graphene- borophene coplanar heterojunction [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys.(原子与分子物理学报), 2025, 42: 012003 (in Chinese)
Computational investigation of structures and properties of graphene- borophene coplanar heterojunction
Hits 343  Download times 342  Received:April 16, 2023  Revised:May 07, 2023
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DOI   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.012003
Key Words   Borophene, Graphene, Heterojunction, Density functional theory
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Liu Hui-Bin East China University of Science Technology 2803325903@qq.com 
Liu Pin-Yan East China University of Science Technology  
Chen Si-Yu East China University of Science Technology  
Li Xin-Yue East China University of Science Technology  
Zhang Zhen East China University of Science Technology  
Zhang Meng* East China University of Science Technology mzhang@ecust.edu.cn 
    The feasibility, structure and properties of coplanar heterostructures constructed from graphene and boron are systematically studied by using density functional theory. By calculating the system's energy, we identify the most stable two-dimensional heterojunction with various configurations and analyze its construction mode, electrical, and optical properties in detail. Our results reveal that the graphene-χ3 borophene heterojunction can be stabilized when the carbon six-membered ring and boron five-membered ring are in a head-to-head combination at the interface. Further analysis of the charge transfer and density of states indicates the presence of a stable covalent bond between graphene and borophene. Notably, this heterojunction exhibits a zero band gap and metallic properties, making it highly attractive for potential applications. Moreover, we find that the graphene-χ3 borophene heterojunction demonstrates excellent visible light absorption performance, further highlighting its potential for optoelectronic applications. The unique properties of this coplanar heterostructure suggest promising prospects for its utilization in devices such as sensors, photodetectors, and energy harvesting devices.

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