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Cite this article as: Sun Xiao-Di,Tang Ke,Wang Ju-Cai,Fu Tian,Hong Xin. Simulation calculation of adsorption nitride by oxygen-containing functional groups on coal surface [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys.(原子与分子物理学报), 2025, 42: 021001 (in Chinese)
Simulation calculation of adsorption nitride by oxygen-containing functional groups on coal surface
Hits 246  Download times 314  Received:April 28, 2023  Revised:May 22, 2023
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DOI   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.021001
Key Words   Coal  Functional group  Nitride  Simulation  Adsorption
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Sun Xiao-Di liaoninggongyedaxue d1916235794@163.com 
Tang Ke* liaoninggongyedaxue tangke0001@163.com 
Wang Ju-Cai liaoninggongyedaxue  
Fu Tian liaoninggongyedaxue  
Hong Xin liaoninggongyedaxue  
    Six common functional group structural units on the coal surface include phenolic hydroxyl Ph-OH, carboxyl-COOH, carbonyl-C=O, ether bond-O-, alcohol hydroxyl R-OH and alkyl R. In this paper, the adsorption performances of these functional groups on the coal surface for aniline, pyridine and quinoline were calculated from the atomic level by using giant regular Monte Carlo (GCMC) and density functional theory (DFT). Based on calculating and analyzing the parameters such as frontline orbit, adsorption energy and intermolecular adsorption distance, the adsorption mechanisms of the three nitrides on different functional groups on the coal surface were explored, and the results showed that the order of adsorption strength of the functional groups on the coal surface model for the three nitrides is: -COOH > R-OH > Ph-OH > -C=O > -O- > R, and the order of adsorption strength of three nitrides for the functional groups on the coal surface is: pyridine>quinoline>aniline.

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