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Cite this article as: Liu Yu,Wang Xing,Xu Zhong-Feng,Zhou Xian-Ming,Cheng Rui,Zhang Xiao-An,Liang Chang-Hui. Study on Angular Distribution of L characteristic X-ray emission from In target by proton impact [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys.(原子与分子物理学报), 2025, 42: 023001 (in Chinese)
Study on Angular Distribution of L characteristic X-ray emission from In target by proton impact
Hits 180  Download times 227  Received:June 07, 2023  Revised:June 20, 2023
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DOI   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.023001
Key Words   Impact ionization  Characteristic X-ray  Angular distribution  Anisotropy
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Liu Yu* Xianyang Normal University 359685236@qq.com 
Wang Xing 西安交通大学  
Xu Zhong-Feng 西安交通大学  
Zhou Xian-Ming 咸阳师范学院  
Cheng Rui 中国科学院近代物理研究所  
Zhang Xiao-An 咸阳师范学院  
Liang Chang-Hui 咸阳师范学院  
    The L X-ray characteristic spectra of In induced by proton beams with energy of 250 keV and emission angles from 125° to 155° with an interval of 10° are measured. According to the measured experimentally energy spectrum results, after comprehensively considering the detection efficiency of the detector, the relative intensity ratios Ll/Lγ1 of characteristic X-rays at different detection angles are calculated. The angular dependence of differential intensity ratio Ll/Lγ1 is studied as a function of the second-order Legendre function P2(cosθ). Our result demonstrates that the characteristic X-ray Lι is anisotropic emission at the measured energy, and the anisotropic parameter β of characteristic X ray Lι is derived to be -0.179±0.011, furthermore, the value of the alignment degree A20 for L3 sub-shell is determined to be -0.422±0.025. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical predictions. According to PWBA ( Plane Wave Born Approximation ) model and ECPSSR ( Energy-Loss Coulomb-Repulsion Perturbed-Stationary-State Relativistic ) model, In target L sub-shell ionization cross sections σ and Coster-Kronig transition correction factor κ are calculated under the 250 keV proton incidence. The effect of Coster-Kronig transition is considered in the calculation of L3 sub-shell’s anisotropic parameters. The analysis shows that the cross section of vacancies generated by electron transfer is much smaller than that of direct ionization at the collision velocity in this experiment, so the electron transfer factor is not modified for the orientation of L3 sub-shell.

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