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Cite this article as: Zhang Wei-Zhong,Li Hai-Xia,Wu Hao-Wei,Yu Zhen,Zhang Shan-Xiang. Study on the adsorption characteristics of gas by Sc-doped ZnO based on first principles [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys.(原子与分子物理学报), 2025, 42: 011009 (in Chinese)
Study on the adsorption characteristics of gas by Sc-doped ZnO based on first principles
Hits 116  Download times 38  Received:June 14, 2023  Revised:July 02, 2023
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DOI   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.011009
Key Words   first principles  Sc-doped ZnO  toxic gases  adsorption characteristics
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Zhang Wei-Zhong* 桂林理工大学 786952518@qq.com 
Li Hai-Xia 桂林理工大学  
Wu Hao-Wei 桂林理工大学  
Yu Zhen 桂林理工大学  
Zhang Shan-Xiang 桂林理工大学  
    CO, SO2, H2S are typical toxic gases gushing out of coal and surrounding rock or produced during production in mines. In the paper, first principles and density functional theory were used to study the adsorption characteristics of rare earth element Sc-doped ZnO on single gas molecules (CO, SO2, H2S). Through the analysis of the Mulliken, band structure, DOS and DCD of each system, the results show that: Sc-ZnO(001)-Zn position doping system has the best stability, the adsorption energy of Sc-ZnO on individual CO, SO2 and H2S molecules was -0.140 eV, -1.885 eV and -0.093 eV, respectively, of which the adsorption of SO2 molecules was chemical adsorption and the rest was physical adsorption. The feasibility of Sc-ZnO as a semiconductor gas sensor to detect three toxic gases was determined, especially for SO2 gas, which provided theoretical guidance for Sc-ZnO as a gas sensing material to detect toxic gas in mines.

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