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Cite this article as: Huang Jiang-Xue,Huang Qi-Jun,He Jin,Wang Hao,Chang Sheng. Study of electronic transport properties in negative resistance devices based on zigzag aluminum nitride nanoribbons [J]. J. At. Mol. Phys.(原子与分子物理学报), 2025, 42: 022004 (in Chinese)
Study of electronic transport properties in negative resistance devices based on zigzag aluminum nitride nanoribbons
Hits 150  Download times 245  Received:June 28, 2023  Revised:July 12, 2023
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DOI   10.19855/j.1000-0364.2025.022004
Key Words   ZAlNNR  Electron transport  Negative differential resistance effect  First principle
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Huang Jiang-Xue Wuhan University 2022202020092@whu.edu.cn 
Huang Qi-Jun 武汉大学  
He Jin 武汉大学  
Wang Hao Wuhan University  
Chang Sheng* Wuhan University changsheng@whu.edu.cn 
    Abstract: Low-dimensional nanoribbon materials exhibit novel physical properties due to their structural specificities. Modifying the edges of nanoribbons can modulate their electronic properties. In this paper, we investigate the electronic structures and transport properties of zigzag aluminum nitride nanoribbons (ZAlNNR) with single-edge fluorination, single-edge chlorination, and single-edge hydrogenation using the fundamental principles based on density functional theory (DFT). It is shown that the semiconductor-to-metal transition of the energy band structure can be achieved by the above methodologies in zigzag aluminum nitride nanoribbons. Calculating the electron transport properties, we found that all three edge-modified devices exhibit negative differential resistance effects, with the AlN-F device having the maximum peak-to-valley current ratio (PVCR) of 1.78×107, which is 106 times higher than those of the silicene nanodevice and the black phosphorus nanodevice. It is worth mentioning that the AlN-F device is able to achieve high PVCR in a smaller bias range compared to H-AlN-Cove nanodevice. The results offer a wide range of prospects for the application of serrated aluminum nitride nanoribbons in low-power nanodevices.

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